Design and manufacture of puppets
for the play Courville
by Robert Lepage and Ex Machina

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From July 2020 to September 2021, we enthusiastically designed and built the puppets for the theater production Courville, a production by Robert Lepage and Ex Machina, whose world premiere was presented in the fall of 2021 at the Théâtre Le Diamant in Quebec.

In order to embody this work poetically inspired by the playwright's adolescence, sixteen large puppets were born, taking on the roles of the main characters with whom Robert Lepage, the creator and narrator of the story, enters into a relationship in many ways :  he manipulates them, weaves sensitive links with them and gives each of them a unique personality and voice !

In the spirit of one of the ancient Japanese theatrical traditions, the bunraku, puppeteers all dressed in black, true virtuosos of manipulation, bring these characters to life.

This extraordinary creative experience was enriched by weeks of captivating rehearsals at the Théâtre Le Diamant with a team of extraordinarily talented and so friendly people!

We would like to acknowledge the participation of our ingenious and wonderful collaborators in the making of the puppets : Carole White, Camille McMillan, Isabelle Frenette, Hélène Renaud and Annabelle Roy.

Representations of Courville by Robert Lepage and Ex Machina

October 24 to November 9, 2024
Quebec, CA – Le Diamant

March 14 to March 16, 2024
Hong Kong, CN - Lyric Theater, HKAPA

September 12 to October 7, 2023
Montreal, CA - Théâtre du Nouveau Monde

March 31 - April 2, 2023
Taichung, TW - National Taichung Theater

March 24 to March 26, 2023
Kaohsiung, TW - National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts

December 8 and December 9, 2021
Châlons-en- Champagne, FR - La Comète

November 29 to December 1, 2021
Le Havre, FR. - Le Volcan Scène nationale

September 19 to October 23, 2021
Quebec, CA – Le Diamant



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